Give Your Home A Fresh Look
Are you wanting to give your home a fresh look? First look around you. Do you like what you see? What does your home say? Are you trendy? Nostalgic? Eclectic? Or are you “a hot mess”? Acquiring a fresh look can be achieved by adding new decor, but it can also be achieved by getting rid of things. The following list can help you achieve the fresh look you’re wanting.
1. De-Clutter
If your home is cluttered, don’t be too hard on yourself. You are not alone. Clutter usually doesn’t happen in a day. It happens gradually. Things come into your yard, your office, and your car with kids, work, activities, or a shopping penchant. Your garage becomes a catch-all for things that have nowhere to go in your house. Somehow treasures start squeezing into your already-full space. What now?
It’s time to make some hard decisions about what to keep and what to toss. The first decision is to commit to the process of prioritizing and eliminating your things. Start with the things that are in your way, like the pile that makes it hard to open your closet or to walk down the hall. Then comes the second step: deciding what to do with the things that don’t fit. Most people quit at this step because they don’t want to get rid of their things. Don’t let this be you! Find it in your heart to give it to people who have less than you. Donate it to a mission, gift it, recycle it, or organize it better.
2. Paint
Consider painting a room, or at least a wall in your home. Paint smells clean. It can give a new touch of color. It can bring out accents, such as trim around doors and windows. A lighter color paint can brighten a dark room and give the illusion of space. Choose a color that creates a neutral palette for the rest of your things, or a bold color that accentuates the architecture or mood of a room.
3. Prioritize Function
Rooms that lend to the flow of your routine are pleasing. Consider packing away knick knacks in lieu of things that have a function like a candle, clock, or shelf to house things you use often. Use a basket near the door for your shoes, a hook for your keys, or a holder for the things you need to take with you tomorrow. These things alone can give a room a fresh look.

Create spaces for your activities and for things you use on a regular basis
4. Create Spaces
Creating a space within a space is relatively easy. All you have to do is create places for the things you do. Think of these spaces as tools for your lifestyle: “this is where my gardening things go”, “this is where I exercise”, or “this is where I read”. Your home can have a fresh look while it serves you!
5. Schedule A Professional Cleaning
This is a very important step in gaining a fresh look because nothing is fresher than a deep-down clean. Susan’s Green Cleaning provides a number of deep-cleaning services, from electrostatic spraying and TANCS vapor cleaning, to a one-time cleaning. Trained, licensed, and bonded, Susan’s Green Cleaning has earned five stars on Google, Angie’s List, and Yelp, awards from the Better Business Bureau, supports local businesses, and gives regularly to charities like Ronald McDonald House Charities.